An online boutique, selling new and pre-loved designer clothes, handbags & beautiful things !
The items we stock have been purchased directly from a reputable and authorised retailer or, where we do not have proof of purchase, they have been authenticated by an independent authenticating agency.
Welcome to Seeking Perfect Purchase – an online boutique selling new and pre-loved designer clothes, handbags & beautiful things.
Everything we sell is of the highest quality and in excellent condition, with authenticity guaranteed.
All of our items are lovingly wrapped and dispatched from our UK base and come with a full 14 day money back guarantee.
We take great pride in the quality of the items we sell and in the accuracy of how we describe them to you.
All of our items and 100% authentic – guaranteed.
The items we stock have been purchased directly from a reputable and authorised retailer or, where we do not have proof of purchase, they have been authenticated by an independent authenticating agency.